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  • Writer's pictureBerk

Albatross Bird

To glide in the vast oceans like you,

With a wild flap of my wings, I want to fly in my dream

When you lift your wings to your love that you've missed,

I want to be the joy in your eyes, to be your happiness

In your tireless little body,

I want to be a big heart that beats

When your only love dies and you can't bear it,

I want to fly gracefully with the loneliness in your heart

With the warm fire of my heart,

I want to get wet in the cold waters

How did you not get swept away by these ocean winds with your small body?

I want to learn from you while I'm being swept away in my life

You have a free spirit that flies with your loyalty to your beloved

There is no one who can compete with you in the sea with your loneliness

Maybe on land, there's no one truly lonely like you

What is it like to fly over people's dreams?

I know...

Your dream is not like ours

Go beyond, Albatross bird

Take our loneliness too

Your dream is a pure loneliness.

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